PSSC Meeting – November 16, 2022 (Virtual meeting via Teams)

In attendance:

  • Alan Berchevaise
  • Antigone Panagiotakis
  • Chelsey Cougle
  • Atif Butt
  • Iryna Babiak
  • Mallary Soon
  • Terri Nevers


  • Alisha Arsalan
  • Deanna O’Donnell
  • Terri Cail
  • Dhavita Filek
  • Lorraine Hines
  • Natasha Hebert

Meeting Agenda and Notes:

PSSC Roles for 2022-2023

Discussion on the group’s stance on having Co-Chairs to operate this year, splitting responsibilities between two individuals rather than a one Chair. The group supports this decision.

Deanna will take on the role of Co-Chair, with Alan remaining in the other Co-Chair role to maintain continuity of knowledge and support moving forward.

Nat will take on the role of Secretary. As she was not in attendance and as needed, Terri agreed to provide backup support in taking notes/group admin tasks.

Principal Report

Antigone provided an update from the Superintendent visit and School Improvement presented by district school improvement team.

With the school PD Day this Friday, Nov 18th, there will be School Improvement planning in the afternoon (academic focus). Social/emotional focus on the School Improvement Plan will occur next PD day. The plan will be presented to PSSC for feedback in January.

In the school, many Clubs have been added for noon hour, with more to come – Chess, Choir, Uno game, Art club, Lego to start in Dec, Leadership, Snapology (from fundraising), speakers, Zumba maybe in the cold of February.

School size continues to climb, at 657 now. Last 0.2 FTE gained and filled, and 5 ESS teachers.

Upcoming dates:

  • Report cards go home Dec 1st
  • Christmas concert Dec 13th
  • Hat day and crazy days – $1 – Home and School will shop for (16) families). An estimated 24 names have been brought forward to date from teachers, but may be siblings etc.

Group discussion around cost of this holiday sponsorship and the ability to support additional families this holiday season. Antigone will return to the group to allow for additional support once the list is finalized.

Major Issues – Parking/Drop-off

Parking and drop-off/pick-up issues continue, with parking lot accidents and bus access interference – we need solutions.

Discussion around parent/guardian education, and back-up support to principal playing traffic cop on the school grounds. This concern only continues to grow as the cold weather sets in.

Major Item – Communication/Parent Community Support

Discussion on the need for handouts, guest speakers, and providing access to parent resources.

Possible to send a Talkmail just before or after Christmas

In the New Year an Onboarding presentation for parents – Community resources for parents

Magma, welcome center, 811, and Bridge the Gap are all resources that are available but not well known enough to parents, particularly newcomers. If we could provide a listing of resources, accessible to parents it would provide additional community support. These could be categorized on a handout and/or in its own tab on the school website, with direct links.

Within the school a Welcome Wagon initiative on Wednesday – Sheila Fowler, Head guidance counselor, has been created and is being implemented.

A sub-committee, led by Alan and Chelsea, will meet to discuss resource needs and next steps.

Our next meeting date will occur on the second Wednesday in January.



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