Good evening,

This message is from Evergreen Park School.

This is a friendly reminder students stay home tomorrow. Staff will be participating in professional learning sessions.

A blue student information sheet has been sent home. Please update the information and return the form with your child as soon as possible.  Updating information is important in terms of medical conditions, contact names, and phone numbers should we need to contact someone during the school day.  

We are having our annual Walk-a-thon at Evergreen Park School.  This is the school’s major fundraiser of the year. Students and staff will be walking on a span of the Northwest Trail to promote a healthy lifestyle and to raise money for playground equipment and technology to enhance the learning experience.  Our goal is to raise $10 000! The Walk-a-thon will be Tuesday, October 31st at 8:45 a.m. (rain date is Thursday, November 2nd).

Mad Science is returning to Evergreen Park School!. This six-week program after school program will start on Wednesday, October 31st. Trained science instructors will be teaching your children all about chemistry this fall! They will have the opportunity to do many hands-on experiments and ask all their burning questions that have surely driven you mad once or twice. If for whatever reason there is no school on one of these days, a make- up day will be added to the end of the cycle. Please be advise that there is limited space in the program.

Registration for the fall program will stay open until the end of the day (11:59PM) November 7th.

Payment Options

If your child wishes to participate but financially you cannot make it work, there are options available to you!

Family Discount: For those registering more than one child, save 15% at checkout with the code polymer. (If you have already registered and this applies to you, please reach out)

Payment Plans: If you would like to stretch out the payments that is an option at checkout as well. Only a 25% deposit will be due at checkout with the remainder being spread out over 2 more payments.

Still Can’t Swing It?: If these first two are not helpful and you have a curious child that wants to participate, then please send us an email and we will work something out with you.

There is an Early Bird Discount of $79.00+hst (normal price is $89.00+hst) currently active on our website until 11:59pm on Oct 16th. The link to register is HERE.

If you have any questions about the program please contact -Dr. Dan “Jupiter Cooper
P: 506 256 1015 W:

Have a restful evening,

Mrs. Antigone Panagiotakis



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