Good evening,

This message is from Evergreen Park School.

Happy New Year!

Anglophone East is dedicated to academic achievement and success for all students. Regular attendance is an integral part of that success. When students are absent, they miss out on daily instruction, and it creates gaps in learning. The Education Act of New Brunswick recognizes that regular attendance plays a crucial role in students’ education. Under the Education Act, Section 13, the role of the parent is outlined as such:

“In support of the learning success of his or her child and the learning environment at school. a parent is expected to, cause his or her child to attend as required by the Act.”

Term 1 report card data shows that 24% of EPS students are chronically absent (6 or more days missed). I understand that family emergencies and illnesses occur and that mornings can be extremely busy. I do however respectfully ask that your child attend school daily. As a school administrator it is my responsibility to follow up with families, listen to concerns and offer supports. It is your parental responsibility under the Education Act to have your child at school and to be on time. We must work together to ensure that all our students attend school regularly to receive the best education possible.

Student tardiness also impacts student learning, teacher planning, and delivery of instruction.The practice of being on time is a life lesson that will benefit all students while reducing school anxiety. Students must be in school by 8:00 a.m..

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Have a restful evening,
Mrs. Antigone Panagiotakis



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