Good afternoon,

This message is from Evergreen Park School.

We have received several complaints regarding driving speed and parking violations around school grounds. Please be mindful of where you park. Parking your car in private driveways to walk your child across the street is not encouraged. RCMP officers will be periodically patrolling our school area during morning drop off/ afternoon dismissal and will be issuing fines to those that are not respecting municipal signage. When dropping off your child, we encourage you to use the Kiss and Ride located in front of the main school entrance or to park your car at designated areas located in the school’s parking lot. Once you are parked, you can walk your child to their respective playground. The parking lot is not a drop off area. Please remember to be vigilant and to reduce your speed when driving around the parking lot. The safety of our students and staff is being compromised.

Please do not park your vehicle next to the bus zone. Moreover, do not walk across the median located between Evergreen Drive and the bus drop off. This is extremely dangerous; we had several close calls this past week. Our student population has grown to almost 650 students. Please be patient; it is inevitable that some congestion will occur with so many little ones trying to get to school. Please be understanding and respectful with each other. Our children are watching our interactions. Let us be positive role models.

A reminder to those interested in joining the Home and School Association to please return membership forms with payment to your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible.

The home and school will be holding a general meeting on October 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. They will be planning events for the fall. Everyone is welcome to attend and give a helping hand. They are looking forward to meeting some new faces!

Vital information sheets will be sent home on Wednesday with your child. Please review all contact information, correct what needs to be updated and send the form back with your child by Friday, October 14th, 2022.

School will be closed on Monday for all students and staff. I hope you all enjoy the day with your loved ones.

I am so grateful to be able to spend my days with wonderful colleagues and with your beautiful children. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Have a wonderful day,

Mrs. Antigone Panagiotakis



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