In accordance with Anglophone East School District policies, we will have several fire drills and a safe drill (lockdown) over the next few weeks.  The first fire drill will be Tuesday, September 17th and the safe drill (lockdown) will take place Thursday, September 19th.   Please reinforce with your children the importance of remaining calm and being silent during these drills.   

When dropping off your children at the Kiss and Ride, remember to always pull up as far as possible, to ensure traffic flow on Evergreen Drive.  Have your children ready to disembark quickly, be mindful of your speed and never pass vehicles.  The parking lot is not a drop-off zone. Parents must park and walk their children onto the playground.  Your children’s safety is our number one priority.

Please be vigilant when driving around school grounds:  reduce your speed, be careful when backing up and only park in designated areas.  During dismissal, the Kiss and Ride is reserved for daycare busses and vans.  Your cooperation is much appreciated.  

We are working on improvements to the parking and traffic flow around the school, we hope to review a finalized plan during Meet the Teacher on September 26th.  Until then, thank you for your patience and vigilance.

If you are interested in volunteering in our library, please leave your contact information at the main office.

Thank you,

EPS Administrative Team



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