Good afternoon,

This message is from Evergreen Park School.

We are excited to work with you and your child as we kick off the 2023-2024 school year!  A warm welcome to all and a special welcome to our new EPS families.

If your child is going to be late or absent, please let us know by using the Safe Arrival program.  Details can be found on our school’s website.

Students enter the building through their playground door at the 8:00 a.m. bell.  Dismissal times are 1:35 p.m. (K-2) and 2:35 p.m. (3-5).  Please help us relay the message to the children that arriving to school on time is very important. This is a valuable life lesson.

Supervision does not start on the playground until 7:40 a.m. Please do not drop off your child before that time.  This is a matter of safety.

The bus area off Evergreen Drive is for school busses and daycare vans only.  The Kiss and Ride is reserved in the morning for moving traffic.  Please drive up as far as the cafeteria doors before allowing your child to disembark.  Students should exit vehicles from the right side only.  Please do not pass other vehicles when dropping off students.  The Kiss and Ride is reserved for daycare vans only during dismissal.  Using the parking lot as a drop off zone is discouraged.  It is not set up to accommodate the volume of traffic and it is not safe for students and staff.  If you decide to drop off your child in the parking lot, you MUST park your vehicle and then walk your child to their designated playground.  Please drive with care.  The safety of students is our top priority.

Cafeteria service will start on Monday, September 11th.  Once again, items can only be ordered online.  Please visit our school’s website if you wish to place an order.

Meet the Teacher night is scheduled for Wednesday, September 20th starting at 6:00 p.m. in the gymnasium. There will be a brief introduction and a presentation of our school’s PSSC Parent Committee.  Parents will then have the opportunity to hear their child’s teacher describe the year ahead, classroom routines, and expectations (two 20-minute presentations).  

 As a school we take our students’ safety seriously. As such, we want to inform you we will be practicing our annual lockdown procedures on Thursday, September 14th at 10:15 a.m.  The RCMP will be at the school to observe our drill and will provide us with feedback so we can improve our practice.

“A lockdown occurs when there is an extreme situation such as a school intruder or an immediate threat to the safety of staff and students, that would make it dangerous for students and staff to leave or circulate the building.”

The EPS Breakfast program will open its doors the month of October.

A friendly reminder to visit the Anglophone East website/EPS website and fill out all required forms; please use School Cash Online to pay student fees.  We apologize for the trouble some of you experienced trying to pay school fees.  District worked on rectifying the problem; we have been advised all issues have been resolved. Cash and cheques will be accepted; however, paying online is preferred.  If you wish to order a school t-shirt, please place your order on-line.

 Parents must sign in at the office when requesting to circulate in the school.  A school badge must be visible when walking in the school.

Yours in education,

Mrs. Antigone Panagiotakis




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