Good afternoon,

This message is from Evergreen Park School.

This is a reminder that students stay home on Friday, May 20th. Teachers will be attending the annual NBTA Branch 0215 AGM. School will also be closed on Monday, May 23rd for Victoria Day.

If your child brought home an out of bounds form, please return the sheet as soon as possible to your child’s teacher. It is imperative that even if you sign and return the form, you must go register your child at your neighborhood school.

Thank you to all parents and guardians that are not parking at the Kiss and Ride at dismissal. Only day care vans/busses are allowed to park during the K-2 dismissal at 1:35 p.m. and at the 3-5 dismissal at 2:35 p.m. Thank you for reducing your speed in the parking lot and only parking in designated areas. It is much appreciated. Let us continue to work together to keep all members of our EPS family safe.

Have a great long weekend,

Mrs. Antigone Panagiotakis     



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